If a man walking in the spirit and falsehood do lie, saying, I will prophesy unto thee of wine and of strong drink; he shall even be the prophet of this people. 若有人心存虚假、用谎言说、我要向你们豫言得清酒和浓酒.那人就必作这民的先知。
Watershed's winemaking philosophy is to create distinctive premium wines that capture the spirit and character of the Margaret River wine growing region. 水岭酒庄一贯遵从的酿酒理念是要酿造独具特色的优质葡萄酒,这些葡萄酒完全融入了玛格丽特河产区的精神和个性。
It is, above all, this spirit of ambition and competition that characterises the world of wine today. 时至今日,葡萄酒世界的特征正是雄心和竞争精神。
If taking the spirit of the God of wine as the stand, we can analyze and the find out the profound enthusiasm of Dionysus embodied in Pushkin's works written in his. 本文以酒神精神为立足点,对普希金前期作品进行分析,挖掘其中所蕴涵的深刻的狄俄尼索斯式热情。
O thou invisible spirit of wine, if thou hast no name to be known by, let us call thee devil! 啊,你空虚缥缈的旨酒的精灵,要是你还没有一个名字,让我们叫你做魔鬼吧!
Brandy is a distilled spirit made from the fermented mash of grapes or fruit. A person can become just as intoxicated drinking beer of wine as when drinking distilled spirits. 白兰地是一种从发酵葡萄汁中蒸馏获得的酒。一个人如果饮用啤酒或葡萄酒同样可以像饮用蒸馏酒一样醉酒。
The spirit of the wine god makes people detach trom life? 酒神精神教人超脱生命,正视人生痛苦,在痛苦中获得悲剧性陶醉。
If we trace the origin of the pains he suffered in his life from his works, we will find it was the Spirit of Wine God that led to "the birth of his tragedy". 从他的作品中追寻其生命苦痛的根源,原来正是其酒神精神导致了他人生“悲剧的诞生”。
In Brown Sorghum, MO Yan, the author, can be seen rebelling against Confucianism and longing for the spirit of wine. 从《红高粱》中我们可以看到莫言对传统儒家文化的反叛与对酒神精神的渴望。
As the carrier of wine culture, spirit bottle not only represents of wine culture itself, but also reflects human civilization and customs. 作为酒文化的物质载体之一,酒瓶不仅是具有实用功能的器物,更体现了人类的审美情趣和生活习俗。